Kayak Fishing Tips - How to Organize for Success

Cal Coast Organization Tips with Matt Ball

As a kayak tournament angler, preparation is one of the keys to success. Researching put-in locations, structure maps, and pouring through as much information about the body of water you are fishing is always going to give you an advantage. Often overlooked is the gear preparation that can save you time and frustration when traveling to the early morning launch on tournament morning. The team at Cal Coast Fishing has developed some great products that can give you that organizational advantage and set you up for tournament day success. 


Cal Coast Bait Sacks
These pouches are sure to save you many headaches by safely storing your pre-rigged baits. I like to have my lure choices decided and already tied on the night before any tournament. The Bait Sack allows you to re-tie your lures and place them in an enclosed, easy-to-use case. This will keep your baits from getting hooked into everything they come in contact with, as well as keeping your hooks sharp and out of harm's way.


Cal Coast Cali Clips
I always have a drop shot tied on in my kayak. The problem with the drops shot is the often-tangled mess that goes along with the technique. Cal Coast Cali Clips are the answer. These clips attach to the butt end of your rod allowing you to secure the drop shot weight and eliminate the mess. They also are great to add to any rod which does not have a bait keeper or in many cases, has a bait keeper that is not located exactly where you want.


Cal Coast Battle Box
For me, the organization of my terminal tackle has been my biggest downfall. The new Battle Box from Cal Coast Fishing is by far the best system I have found to tame my terminal mess. This heavy-duty box is going to stand up to the abuse, and with the convenient Ammo Cans, I can keep all my hooks, weights, jig heads and any other items organized and easy to manage in the confines of the kayak.  I like the ability to throw a couple of cans of the hooks I am using in my PFD so I can quickly re-rig without having to reach into my crate time and time again. This always keeps my gear secure and dry.


Cal Coast Donkey Leash
Once you are on the water and actually catching fish, the Donkey Leash may be just what you need to get things organized for that all-important picture you have to submit for judging. Often, tournaments are lost by having a fish flip off the measuring board at the last second before you can snap that all important picture. With the Donkey Leash, you can safely secure your catch with the unique non-puncture clip and let your fish calm down while you get everything ready for your picture. Once your camera is ready, you can place your fish on the measuring board, remove the clip, and quickly get your picture. I like to place the fish back on the clip while I verify my picture is acceptable, take a hero shot, and then let her swim away.


With a kayak, we are often transporting our rods in the back of the truck, the cab of the vehicle, or sometimes stuffed in the hull of the kayak. Using rod sleeves allows me to re-tie all my rods the evening before and know that the line and rod are protected from other gear that it will surely come in contact with. Paired with a Cal Coast Bait Sack you have a fully rigged rod, with the lure tied and ready to go quickly on the often hectic tournament morning launch.


The Rod Mule, in my opinion, is a must-have for the kayak angler. With not having a rod locker like bass boats, the kayak angler is continually transporting rods from the boat to the vehicle. The rod mule bundles your rods together in an easy-to-carry package that helps protect your rods. Bundled with the rod sleeves and bait sacks, you have a complete system to easily transport and store your rods. When you are sharing a ride to a tournament with other anglers the benefit is even greater, and you will soon be asking your buddies you travel with to get one as well.


With all of these great products from Cal Coast, you can prepare your gear for the tournament and set yourself up for success.  With the stiff competition in today's kayak fishing tournaments sometimes being prepared and organized is what you need to rise to the top! Pick yours up today at Fishing Online!